Principles of Physics

Principles of physics common to the philosophy of science. The uniqueness, elasticity, and unbreakable nature of matter make up the theory's special physics principles.

Cover of the Global Mechanics PDF. Galaxy M81.



Author: José Tiberius

Technical assistant:
Susan Sedge, Physics PhD from QMUL  



1.c) Principles of physics in Global Mechanics

A physical model is a collection of mental abstractions used to represent the material reality and the relations determining its variations over time. In all models, there will be underlying physical principles of a general character and a mixed nature of philosophy and science.

The Global Scientific Method book there is a chapter of the Methodology of Scientific Investigation in Modern Physics. It criticizes the principles of physics within the Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and other theories trying to make them compatible by adding physical dimensions.

In other words, in this book the banned principles of Physics are pointed out, who is to say, those which could allow any of the following:

  • Multiple simultaneous realities

  • Realities with more than three physical dimensions

  • Recursive definitions, such as the variable volume of space or the speed of time itself

  • Simultaneous cause-effect and effect-cause

  • Negative things or energies

  • Things or energies that emerge from nothing or completely disappear

  • Magic forces or forces at a distance

Likewise, the Global Dynamics book quotes three philosophical or epistemological principles of Physics. We shall repeat them here because of their high relevance:

  • The physical reality does not depend on the observer, only its perception, and description.

  • Time is relative from the subjective point of view of life, but this aspect is irrelevant in the objective or general physics scope.

  • A scientific theory is good if it is useful, but it is even better if once understood, it follows common sense.

It is helpful to do a brief presentation on the physical principles in Global Mechanics considering the enormous difference that exists concerning those principles of Physics in the accepted theories: Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

Gathering the previous ideas on the physical principles in Global Physics, we may organize them into the following groups:

  • Principles of Physics from the philosophy of science

    • Utility
    • Simplicity
    • Logic or common sense
  • Principles of Physics derived from Global logic

    • Euclidean space
    • Absolute time
    • Mechanical nature
  • Principles of physics by intuitive observation

    • Oneness of matter
    • Unbreakable three-dimensional net
    • Elasticity of matter

The first two groups of principles of Physics imply a return to both the classical concepts of space and time and to the philosophy of the scientific method, which needs the use of Physics theories and their common sense.

The third group of principles of Physics introduces the nature of matter in the elastic model of Global Mechanics. This new model is a revision of the previous semi-rigid model of Global Mechanics from April 2008.

The switch to the elastic model in April 2009 implied a considerable simplification over the previous one. The only significant change was to define the three-dimensional net as unbreakable to explain better the conservation of energy in the universe. The change forced a redefinition of the precise mechanisms of movement, kinetic energy, and potential energy.

Oneness of matter Unbreakable 3D grid of matter
Unbreakable 3D grid of matter.

The characteristics of the new physical model proposed by Global Mechanics are genuinely different from those of Quantum Physics. Nevertheless, we think they are quite complementary and that the characteristics of Global Mechanics have a filter function for the excessive confusions or deviations from the scientific logic that affects the Physics of Elementary Particles.

Effecting a change in perspective, amongst the characteristics of the physical model of Global Mechanics we can cite the following:

  • Intuitive model with scientific claims, as it is empirically verifiable.

  • Very generic and highly imprecise proposals

  • High probability of containing one or more significant mistakes

  • We hope to contribute an idea relevant enough to imply a change in the paradigm of Modern Physics.

  • A renormalizable model, to allow it to develop and evolve

  • Incomplete, as it is not possible to do everything at once

Among the most known scientific experiments reasonably explained by Global Mechanics, we can mention the Double-slit experiment on the dual nature of light, and the Tunnel-Effect experiment on the properties of electrons. However, without any doubt, the most innovative experiment is the Gigachron experiment,

[ G * g = c² * h * R * n ]

This mathematical equation results in the fundamental equation of the Global Physics.

Gravitational Law of Equivalence
g = [ c² * h * R / G ] * n

g = [ E c/ G ] * n

Moreover, its alternative equation:

g = [ m c3/ G ] * n

Therefore, we would ask the reader not to search for mistakes but rather for achievements, while also considering that errors may exist. It is true as well that the terminology will not be as consistent as we would like, because of the underlying technical complication and due to the lack of systematization in Global Mechanics, given its young age.



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