3.a) Universal Love
There are many ways of understanding love: between parents and children, other family relations, friendship, respect, sexual, the love for things, and other feelings.
The concept that includes the common element of all types of love is the so-called Universal Love, which stands out precisely for not referring to anything in particular.
The only antidote for the egocentrism of pure reason is Love.

There is an interesting parallelism between Universal Love and the attraction of gravity. Both forces are general, natural, invisible, and powerful. It is the enigma of the gravity of love.
On some occasions, we all think about the possible parameters of the Equation of Love as a mental relaxation exercise. Still, I never thought that anything more could come of these mathematical games than a precious moment. Well, perhaps I thought so, you never know!
However, the mathematical equation shows some suggesting parameters. It has a particular physical significance and, finally, when relating the Love Equation by substitution with Einstein’s equation E = m c² –originally from Olinto de Pretto–, and the result was Newton’s formula for gravity, it left me a little perplexed.
It appeared the enigma again.
So I decided to try to expose this particular enigma to disorient someone some more.
3.a.1. Equation of Love
The first thing about the parameters of the Equation of Love is that it should have a constant “K” as in the formula for the gravity acceleration. If there was a formula, it should be quite similar since, in a certain way, it is a kind of energy, force, or attraction.
The second idea was that this constant could be negative or positive; at times, the force of attraction is repulsion.
STScI-Hubble Team
(Public domain image)

Throughout life, one realizes that becomes somewhat close, not just to people but things as well. In short, love is a journey together in space and time.
Therefore, friendship and attraction will have a directly proportional relationship with time, the more time spent together, the more love there is.
Regarding space, the operation would be the inverse. The closer, the better it will be, except in the cases of a negative constant. Also, it could be that this inverse relation was inverse to its square, especially after seeing the history of similar formulas.
Consequently, the Equation of Love will be quite similar to:
L = K t / s ²
If we wanted to eliminate the possibility of the constant K being negative, to feel better about the beauty of the equation, we would have nothing more than to increase it to the square, so that we will have:
L² = K² t² / s4
Since K² still a constant, we can call it G. Regarding its value and units, I have no idea what they are. Nonetheless, we can assume that they are the same as those of the Universal Gravity Constant of Newton because it should be some relation between gravity and love. It looked good, for that it is universal, and also later, we will see the usefulness of this assumption.
We can also define L as L², with which we will finally have:

Where G = 6.67 * 10-11 (m³/kg s²) or (N m² / kg²)