1.c) The human brain
Despite the numerous studies on how the human brain works, many of the questions asked regarding this subject continue to be an enigma. There are some ideas about the logic of brain activity and the physiological structure suitable for its optimization, but a warning of the presence of a significant, intuitive component in the reasoning.
The link between the human brain and modern computers is an enthralling subject, given the similarities between these two mechanisms of storage and management of a tremendous amount of information.
The similarities offer the advantage of a simpler model and widely recognized by everyone.
The technological advances made by human beings has allowed designing machines capable of emulating certain cerebral operations, managing to surpass the brain in specific instances, for example, in the calculation and mathematical memory.
Due to both the intuitive nature and the extent of the subject, the goal is not to perform a systematic analysis, but instead, comment on the new ideas calling the attention or contributing to the current culture, especially from the General Theory of Conditional Evolution of Life.
On the other hand, the rapid evolution of these cerebral operations has been the main reasons for the development and formulation of the cited theory.
The content of this book appeared initially in the appendix of the Conditional Evolution of Life book. The statistical study performed on the heritability of intelligence –The EDI Study– led to the definitive separation of the books.
Time will tell if the new approach is heading in a proper direction or not. It will not take long to shed light on the surprising results of the stated statistical study. They seem to confirm the hereditary nature of global and relational intelligence, the significance of the gene with less intelligence potential –IQ, pointer with specific conditions–, essential functions of sexual differentiation, and the existence of a finalist evolution.
1.d) Human brain diagram

Advanced animals can be considered symbiotic macro-societies of more elemental units with their own lives –cells. The organization gives the group an enormous intellectual potential and its own will, independent of the elemental units.
The figure shows a functional diagram representing the central concepts graphically and their connections, discussed in the following sections.
Modularity and connectionism in the human brain are two philosophical approaches that could well be complementary.
Likewise, the current theories on mental structures (constructivism - Jean Piaget and innatism - Noam Chomsky) appear to be two ways of looking at the complex reality. However, there is no need to start discussing some of the simplifications and the rather unfounded affirmations of innatism.
The brain is the organ responsible for carrying out superior cognitive functions. Nevertheless, these are not the only functions the brain carries out, for example, the human brain's decision-making system can feasibly contain democratic processes with a connection to individual cells that in some instances may serve the purpose of a mere coordinator.