The free Esnuka billiards game simulates intelligence evolution following special rules regulating the balls' color changes on the game table using genetic algorithms from Mendel's laws and those proposed by the CEL (1990) confirmed by the EDI Study (2002).

Besides, there is a specific option designed to show a fast evolution without needing to play billiards. The figure shows the fractal shape that the balls take and their colors when creating new generations, allowing an intuitive understanding of the effects caused by the available parameters.
This option also follows the provisions of the Conditioned Evolution of Life –CEL.
Genetic algorithms are often eminent for proving Darwin's theory. Nothing is further from reality, and genetic algorithms just follow the rules and conditions they have incorporated. There is always a goal or a math function to optimize within the genetic algorithms, closer to a teleological or finalist evolution than Darwinian evolution.
Besides genetics and biology, the CEL gives a greater understanding of how life’s evolution could affect many other branches of knowledge, especially social sciences, complex systems, and developmental psychology.
As an example, we can cite the Global Cognitive Theory about intelligence, memory, willpower, and, in general, the brain's cognitive abilities. These aspects will undoubtedly affect the psychology of education and human development.
The book Global Scientific Method includes a new methodology of complex systems based on the CEL called Conditional Vitalism.
Although this initial presentation of the CEL aims not to analyze all their possible consequences, we considered it convenient to briefly point out some essential particulars on human evolution and developmental psychology.
8.a) Personal development and social psychology
Regardless of the Vitalism philosophy, which upholds the CEL, in the personal context, it would help to comprehend oneself in the sense of understanding the cognitive abilities and the objectives of personal growth, keeping in mind the individual costs that they can involve.
The most illustrative evolutionary psychology example would be the acceptance that certain types of intelligence and memory could be 80-90% hereditary and, at the same time, the possibility that much higher levels of cognitive abilities could transmit in the descendants than those manifesting in the parents.
An experiment directed by two investigators from the University of Chicago has shown that women have an excellent sense of smell, which allows them to distinguish between minor genetic variants of men by doing nothing more than smelling his shirt.
El País 23-01-2002. Nature Genetics
Another example, the female gender seems to have a particular specialization in materials technology since it develops and provides resources and materials to the individual in the early stages of development. In turn, it could imply that it has a more advanced sense of smell; it would also be possible that the famous saying of women having more intuition may start to have a scientific basis.
There are still many people thinking –perhaps they are right– the difference in boys and girls' behavior at very early ages is due to environmental and educational factors.
On the contrary, the developmental psychology of boys and girls is different due to natural conditioning.
Within a family approach, The CEL could help understand the differences between family members, their origins, their problems, and their advantages.
However, the most relevant effect would be on social psychology. The set of evolutionary ideas accepted until nowadays, outlined in purely rationalist-humanist esthetics, is deeply rooted in current society.
A significant alteration would mean a change similar to the 17th and 18th centuries when the sun stopped revolving around the Earth. Strangely enough, man continues being the only intelligent animal with feelings!
The CEL would make up a new social culture once the population overcomes the humanist and anthropocentric rationalism.
The observable scientific and information development in the short-term basis information in all human activity fields is the source of social psychology's new culture.
8.b) Cognitive psychology and development of education
A better understanding of our cognitive abilities from the Global Cognitive Theory could slightly affect personal strategy about the educational system's study and permanence.
Furthermore, this permanence in the educational system must not be understood only in its quantitative aspect but also qualitative; for example, the types of subjects in which a person can be specialized. On the other hand, learning and specialization in the educational system is not the only way to develop oneself. There are different perfectly valid ways depending on the particular characteristics of each person.
Problems due to complex hereditary functions may have a more precise explanation with the CEL. For example, several issues involve dyslexia, which genetic nature is into question due to sociological implications.
They do not relate written with spoken words and those who lose the word's concept.
There is not a unique criterion about the origin and definition of this problem.
It seems correct dyslexia is a genetic difference suffered by some people, it is hereditary, and it causes learning problems.
El País 27-05-2002
It is worth remembering the human brain’s different ways of functioning when analyzing specific hypotheses regarding education. For some operations, it applies the method of external verification, such as intelligence and mathematical memory. For others, it does not use it, such as intuitive reasoning, the standard memory, and semantic memory.
These new contributions to cognitive psychology can influence the strategy of public power about the learning system.
8.c) Evolution and economic development
History is full of multiple events, facts, and situations suitable for applying the Conditional Vitalism methodology proposed to analyze vital impulse systems.
There are some examples of art development and the historical evolution that called our attention.

With the application of the LoVeInf method, the mixture of races and subgroups of any species is beneficial in the long term for genetic development in general and intelligence in particular. It could be the leading cause of evolutionary leaps. We have explained this effect with greater or lesser clarity throughout the exposition of the General Theory of the Conditional Evolution of Life. In a way, the outcome would be similar to the sexual differentiation compared to the germline evolution.
However, this method's application can be detrimental in the short term since the genetic information with the lowest potential is the significant one –in terms of Mendel's laws, it would be dominant.
The CEL allows the understanding of why the Egyptian Empire lasted more than 4,000 years. The Greek and Roman empires lasted approximately between six and eight centuries, despite being substituted by societies with a noticeably inferior culture, art, and technology.
Hybrid love
However, there is also strong genomic evidence of hybridization between chimpanzees' ancestors and the earliest hominids, even between Neanderthal and the first modern humans.
Seven million years of separation is just an average difference. The real fact is that there are big genomic blocks between humans and chimpanzees, which are much closer than said average.
Therefore, they separated many years after the rest of the genome. According to scientists from Boston, the extreme case is the X chromosome, which ‘is less than 5.4 million years old’. The average is 7 million years because other blocks are almost 10 million years old.
El País 16-12-2010. Nature
The CEL is also congruent with the adoption of monogamous marriage by the Jewish people and the Roman Empire with the Catholic Church's help, although the latter too late to avoid its fall.
During the last period of the Western Roman Empire, significant price increases are detected, which could well reflect prolonged decreases in society's productivity.
Another argument would be the firm establishment of the droit du seigneur during the Middle Ages.
There are many other factors in human evolution. Still, there is no doubt that the increase in intelligence of primitive humans up to the present time has been significant and not always linear and uniform. Environmental conditions are very different across time and geography –how could it be otherwise with Darwin, Lamarck, or CEL!
There is a 30% difference between chimpanzee and the human Y chromosome.
Given the separation of both species six million years ago, this result shows the human Y chromosome has evolved much faster.
However, in 2003, its sequencing demonstrated its complexity and that it is continuously renewing.
El País 13-01-2010. Nature
The in-depth discussion on human, economic, and technological development is left for another time and, above all, for the reader's consideration. A detailed analysis would be excessive and perhaps too emotional.
On the contrary, for the French Revolution, we can point out its most crucial cause. The struggle for freedom and justice is not exclusive to that historical moment, so it cannot be its direct cause.
Looking at a famous painting of this period, people are in a battle, a protest, or demonstration, but right in the central point of the picture, right in the center, a hand appears firmly gripping a pistol. It could be the immediate cause of the revolution: a technological change or leap that radically altered the relationship of forces between the different social classes.
A morphological study indicates that the American Indians coexisted with other populations that arrived from Asia.
Until their extinction, this first population, called Paleo-American, coexisted with the American Indians, of mongoloid features and descendants of a subsequent migratory wave from Asia.
El País 04-09-2003. Nature
Language evolution is another topic of vast scope. With the new approaches, many of its characteristics are understandable. Nonetheless, we are not the first in giving the evolutionary focus as if they had their own life throughout history.