2.c) Multiple intelligences
Regardless of the somewhat opportunistic Theory of Multiple Intelligences of Howard Gardner, it seems clear that multiple intelligences exist.
They will be identified not only by the different types of elementary relations (space, sound, color) involved but also by the operational mechanisms or any other criterion we could associate.
The categories could be as extensive as wanted because in any act or concept it is possible to find primary relations; although calling intelligence to everything would eliminate its differentiating concept and, therefore, the utility of the word intelligence.

Other sections deal with more types of multiple intelligences. Below, there are some cases.
2.c.1) Intelligence in the strict sense
It would be the capacity for making relations with the condition of a high degree of reliability. See more details in the section related to the knowledge manager's secure responses.
In other words, it corresponds with conditional intelligence when we require a high degree of reliability. When the word intelligence appears in colloquial language, it refers to this concept.
The verification of responses to obtain the desired reliability implies some specific biological mechanisms explained in the Conditional Evolution of Life book when talking about the method of Logical Verification of Information.
The main factors in perceiving intelligence are the depth and originality of ideas, along with the absence of errors in reasoning. Not expressing the thinking so as not to commit mistakes is another matter!
2.c.2) G factor or general intelligence
It is the result of adding to the concept of intelligence in the strict sense the condition that its relational functions form part of many the intellect's processes.
The G factor is the closest concept associated with the intelligence given by standard IQ tests.
These measurements have the advantage of being independent of cultural factors.
The study of the hereditary nature of intelligence uses information about IQ that, to a great extent, fit in this category. If some specific relational functions are hereditary, it is logical to assume that others would also be, but with different mechanisms of expression.
2.c.3) Modern intelligence quotients
Different dot matrix and language test batteries are into just one IQ test and, therefore, they gather in the greater measure of the potential of multiple intelligences. Although, these modern intelligence quotients are closer to the concept of relational intelligence than multiple intelligences.
To broadly determine a person's intellectual ability they are useful. However, they suffer from two problems: when including language tests, they incorporate aspects other than intelligence in the strict sense and have strong cultural influence.