2.c.4) Woman and man intelligence
The sexual differentiation between woman and man is a delicate subject. There is a consensus about the differences between female and male sensitivity. Consequently, the groups of primary relational functions that support these sensitivities should be somewhat different.
If an IQ test collects the feminine sensitivity of men and women, the latter will obtain better results and vice versa.

There is an automatic evaluation of others where, on top of their image, there are some characteristics. Among them is an intuitive estimation of that person's intelligence.
As this approximation is carried out on a personal scale, it should not be surprising that many women think that they are more intelligent than men, and vice versa. All men and all women are right from their point of view or scale of reference.
An example of how complicated is the subject of sexual differentiation between woman and man would be to speak about the beauty of intelligence and the intelligence of beauty. Both affirmations are correct and, therefore, elemental relational functions supporting them should exist. Without getting any more in-depth, there are some symmetries.
Another example could be the different results in mathematical calculations with variables rounded to integer or not. Perhaps, it would not be efficient both criteria simultaneously.
In the study of the heritability of intelligence, the results changed when the variables item’s order had different criteria.
If the natural scale is unknown, a solution would be a neutral scale concerning gender. Some of the most appropriate tests of today use different batteries of forms or questions, which through adequate weighting, achieve an overall unbiased evaluation of the tests.
In some cases, there is an adjustment with a different scale according to gender; the TC1 test is an example based on a series of dominoes.
In other cases, the correction is according to age. For ages above 30, the result is compensated, considering the fall in performance although not in potential. In short, it deals with obtaining equality by age conventionally.
It could also go the other way around, theoretical inequality. For example, the youngest may be more intelligent due to evolutionary reasons; The EDI Study obtains better adjustments in IQ correlations for an average 10% improvement in each generation.
The interpretation of statistical data is not only risky, but also the data can be bias.
An example of the difference between men and women, which is accepted by both men and women with a good sense of humor is the following. Men prefer women with the vertical symmetry of 90-60-90 and women prefer an exponential growth of 10-23-1023in their man, that is to say, a 10 in intelligence and 1023 in $.
Continuing with the humor, if men had to define a single measurement that encompassed the three previously mentioned parameters, they would use the mean squared error and women the sum.
Contributions to other observed variations from a scientific point of view are:
Human life expectancy
Women have an estimated life expectancy between 5 and 10 % more than men in most countries. In Spain, this supposes approximately six years (86 years versus 80 years for men). There could be something essential regardless of the existence of factors such as a lower rate of tobacco consumption or different types of work.
According to the Conditional Evolution of Life, the main goal of sexual differentiation is to serve as a genetic filter between the information received from the male and female progenitors. It also affirms that women provide an intact copy of the genetic information, with the advantage of its phenotypical viability guaranteed.
Consequently, the filter of two X chromosomes will give in a more stable structure than the one made up of the XY chromosomes, leading to higher female longevity; explaining, at least in part, the observed reality.
Gender differences in human intelligence in the lower threshold
An interesting issue will be the stability effect in the lower part of the typical bell curve of Gauss.
The EDI Study – Evolution and Design of Intelligence detects, one out of five cases, what it seems to correspond with genetic accidents in the evolution of intelligence, which are very relevant in quantitative terms.
Gender differences in human intelligence in the upper threshold
As in the case above of the dominoes series.
Following the Conditional Evolution of Life, the Global Cognitive Theory and the empirical results from the EDI Study women do not modify their genetic information, and most of the elemental functions of intelligence have a genetic nature. One of the X chromosomes in women would have at least a generation behind with sexual differentiation and two backward on average.
Unless the X chromosome may pass 100 % updated to the next generation every time it coincides with the Y chromosome, this fact could help to explain the low female participation in highly gifted associations, in nominations for the Nobel Prize, the few inventions made by women, a lower rate in management positions. Consequently, there is no necessity of restoring to a historical specialism of jobs or being particularly negative towards men accusing them of gender favoritism.
Socially, it seems the gratuitous accusation is not rude, while a scientific explanation of some specific characteristics of human intelligence is.
The scientific nature of the Conditional Evolution of Life, the Global Cognitive Theory, and the results of the EDI Study are palpable. Due to the social sensitivity, it is desirable to carry out more research to confirm and obtain higher sensitivity and significance of the model.
The Conditional Evolution of Life proposes the new Darwinout and Menssalina experiments, which have a more straightforward methodology.